Healing pets, one GUT at a time!

At Gutzy Pet,  our mission is to live in a world where all pets thrive. By empowering and educating pet parents, focusing on the importance of Gut health.  Digestive health is the foundation of overall vitality and longevity. It was Hippocrates who also coined the phrase, “All diseases begin in the Gut”.  With the implementation of Biofeedback and Bioresonance Therapy plus whole food supplementation, we strive to help bring the body back into balance and harmony where it should be.

We believe that true wellness starts with what’s in the bowl. That is why we have hand-picked real food nutritional supplements to complement our Quantum Healing services. Through our selection process, we ensure that every supplement is as pure and natural as the love we have for our pets.

Definition of GUTZY

Definition: characterized by courage or determination.
Synonyms: Brave, adventurous, daring, bold.

GUTZY symbolizes a new paradigm in pet care; being bold and courageous by doing something different vs conventional therapies (thinking outside of the box). AND it represents the Gut which is the cornerstone in obtaining vitality and health; both physically and mentally.

So with that, why not be Gutzy and give Quantum Healing Therapy a “go” so you can take back control of your pet’s health?  This technology made possible through natural science is safe, effective and does not affect the body negatively; we have enough of those modalities in the world already.


Founder of Gutzy Pet & Truffles’ Mom

Welcome to Gutzy Pet, where every pet’s wellness journey begins with a happy gut! I’m the founder, a Type A girl, whose curiosity and zest for knowledge plus passion for the natural healing world led me down this path.  By being a seasoned professional with 30+ years in the medical field, both in a clinical (RT, RDMS, RDCS) and sales role, I believe I am primed for this new beginning.

My journey into pet wellness began with my Chocolate-Doodle, Truffles; but only after I had investigated and explored the heck out of wHolistic medicine for myself over the last few decades. I was always eager to learn and educate myself so I could find balance in my own body. I always wanted to know the ‘why’ as I was not interested in masking my symptoms. To say I have tried everything, is an understatement :). Through these trials and tribulations, I discovered that we are our own best healers if we empower ourselves to better understand how our bodies are designed to work. As they are meant to be healthy and in balance, and knowledge is power. 

After Truffles was a few years old, he struggled with his own imbalances. I believe it has a lot to do with the vaccinations that we are required to put into our baby when they first come into this world, but that is topic for another discussion. At any rate, this led me down a path of further curiosity in the natural space for pets. I was not interested in conforming to giving him a pill to cover up his symptoms, I wanted to know ‘why’ he had them; what was the root cause? I studied, researched and educated myself again on his behalf. They don’t call me Curious George for nothing.

Brenda with Truffles

My Dad used to always say that you could see Truffles soul through his eyes, so how could I not take action and ensure my fur-boy was living his best and healthiest life? As that is exactly what I wanted for my own self. This obsession for complimentary/alternative medicine, and the LOVE I have for Truffles, is why I am here today.

I know not everyone has the time and/or means to be a truth seeker like myself so I have decided to make this my mission. To ensure we are choosing the safest and most natural means to help get our pets and their body’s to their healthy state, where they are meant to be. So we can live in a world where all of our animals can live their best life, and thrive!  Health is not linear and takes time; progress is what we are looking for, not perfection!

The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet and in the cause and prevention of disease. ~ ” ― Thomas A. Edison

Connecting the MIND, BODY, and SOUL for optimal health and vitality for our furry family.