dog eating grass, dog walking on path, a cat on couch

Every living thing, including animals, is made of energy waves that we can measure; the frequency of which is dependent on their physical state. Quantum Healing, which includes Biofeedback and Bioresonance Therapy, is a non-invasive technique that measures and scans the body’s organs, tissues and cells to find the imbalances and stressors that are causing dis-ease.The technology can then send back the ‘healthy’ frequencies to strengthen and recalibrate these areas of concern, bringing them back to balance and health.

Quantum Healing Therapy can help your pet OVERCOME:

  • Chronic skin issues: itchiness, hot spots, hair loss, excessive licking/ gnawing

  • Allergies or sensitivities to food and/or environmental toxins; i.e. grass, pollen, heavy metals

  • Recurrent ear infections

  • Constipation, diarrhea, undigested food in stool, gas

  • Low energy, lethargic, lack of play

  • Mood issues- anxiety, irritable

  • Gum disease, plaque build-up, dental disease

  • Change in appetite, lack of, or excessive

  • Muscle and/or Joint pain

dog bowl with natural foods, cat on orange chair, and two dogs in front of a brick wall

Through our work TOGETHER your pet will feel or experience: 

  • More energy

  • Regular and consistent bowel movements

  • Normal appetite

  • Decrease in skin and ear issues

  • Less shedding and hair loss

  • Current symptoms subsiding as the body becomes in balance

  • Overall general sense of well-being

The only Tails down, is that Quantum Healing Therapy is so far removed from modern medicine, most people do not know of its existence, and therefore, its benefits.


DNA Sample

A sample including several strands of your pet’s fur and/or nail clippings will be sent via mail, or dropped off if local.

Full Body Scan + Analysis

A full body scan will be completed initially, and then another one in four weeks. This will be done while a DNA sample is attached to the headset for “remote” or “distance” work. Over 10,000 subjects for analysis will be included on all tissues, organs, systems and cells in the body; pathology and microorganisms being the focus initially.

Treatment Plan

A treatment plan will be customized based on the results of the full body scan, focusing on the body’s system priorities at this given time, both pathology and microorganisms (i.e. digestive system, immune system). This will be customized for your pet’s unique energy addressing the imbalances and stressors that are shown, per the package offering selected.


Therapy will be given remotely to your pet via the DNA sample to focus on strengthening/ recalibrating the areas of the body where the imbalances are present, and addressing the microorganisms and other priorities that are weakening the body per the package offering selected.

Bark & Meow PACKAGES

All packages include treatment for 1 full month, 10 therapy sessions total. 

SPECIAL Introductory Scan Offer


  • Includes- Full Body Scan + Analysis ONLY

  • Consult to discuss the priorities identified in the body, to include any microorganisms and pathology shown

*Treatment Plan- an additional cost of $100 for Basics offering for 1st month



A cozy start to GUT wellness

  • Full Body Scan + Analysis at the start and end of the month

  • Treatment Protocol to focus on the priorities identified in the body, to include Microorganisms (i.e. bacteria, viruses, parasites and pathogens

Puppy / Kitten Preventative starter pack available to keep your baby under 2 years of age healthy. Includes the full body scan, analysis, and treatment protocol to focus on the priorities of the body. $175



Comprehensive GUT care

  • Includes everything in the Basics Tier

  • Heavy Metals, Toxins, Allergens

  • Physiotherapy (light therapy for additional full body support)

*heavy metals can have a significant effect on the GUT and Immune health, as well as other body systems



Exclusive GUT care with personalized attention

  • Includes everything in the Basics & Healthy Bundle Tier

  • Customized and individualized approach to address the specific priorities unique to your pet- utilizing other relevant therapies and topics such as homeopathy, natural/allopathic support, stone therapy, therapeutic frequencies.

Unleash the Power of HARMONY with whole-food SUPPLEMENTATION

Ask us about our HAND-PICKED, Truffles tested, selection of SUPPLEMENTS. Each one is a testament to our belief in the synergy of quantum healing and authentic nutrition. Let’s nurture the bond between nature and science, hand in hand, for the flourishing life your pet deserves.

From the BLOG

Frequently asked QUESTIONS

  • It is a proven technology that is associated with the principles of quantum physics; real science. It utilizes the body’s electromagnetic signals, just like a MRI machine does. The Biofeedback/Bioresonance is an analysis tool focused on treatment, whereas the MRI is primarily a diagnostic tool.

  • Each organ, tissue, and gland in the body has its own unique frequency. Biofeedback detects stress responses related to bacteria, viruses, pathogens, organ weaknesses, and environmental stressors to name a few. Bioresonance than alters these frequencies and “feeds” them back to the body, recalibrating them back to their ‘healthy’ state.

  • The bioresonance system I use offers 7 different therapy options:

    • Meta-Therapy: or MORA therapy to strengthen and recalibrate back to a healthy state

    • Destructive therapy – RIFE Frequency therapy to destroy microorganisms

    • Physiotherapy – Light frequency therapy great for symptomatic concerns

    • Stone-Therapy – Frequencies of therapeutic stones applied as therapy

    • Phyto therapy – Frequencies of therapeutic plants applied as therapy

    • Aura Therapy

    • RF (remote frequency) Therapy

  • By Quantum Entanglement, a fascinating and complex phenomenon describing the instantaneous connection between two “entangled” particles regardless of the distance separating them. How can your cell phone connect with someone in another state or country? It is the same concept; as long as it has the 'secret' identifier, which in this case is the fur/nails vs the phone number on your cell.

  • This technology is safe and gentle with no harsh side effects like drugs and chemicals. However, there is always a chance of a healing crisis while addressing the microorganisms that are a stressor to the body.

  • Timing will be unique to each pet but it can take up to 3 months depending on where the imbalances are and for how long they have been affecting the body. Many of us have pets that have had on-goiong and recurrent symptoms; more chronic in nature. So it does take time for the body to heal and get back back into balance, addressing the stressors of priority as they show up. This is not a band-aid approach where we are only masking the symptom for it to come back in time. The ultimate goal here is root cause healing for long-term health and overall vitality.

  • Of course, you do. This is fascinating technology, but it is not magic; but it’s the next best thing! It is highly effective when used in conjunction with a real food diet and/or supplementation. And being mindful of other toxins that your pet is exposed to that you can avoid.

  • Biofeedback and Bioresonance is considered a complimentary medicine. It is ‘not’ new technology and has been around for decades. It was developed by Russian scientists and used to support NASA. It is widely used in Europe by both medical practitioners and veterinarians, and becoming more mainstream today. It has been far removed from modern medicine which is why most people do not know of its existence, and therefore, its benefits.

  • Of course. After the 1st week of treatment, Truffles got an appetite! This may seem miniscule to you but for me this was huge as he has never been a foodie nor driven by food. A strong appetite is a sign of good health, by the way. His poops have also become more regular, and the plaque build-up on his teeth has decreased. Did you know that your mouth is like a window to your physical and even mental health?

Dare to be GUTZY! Dare to be BOLD!

Book a free call to discuss your pet’s health and if our treatments can help.