What Is Quantum Healing Therapy?
Quantum Healing includes both Biofeedback and Bioresonance Therapy.
Quantum Healing is all about energy.
We have energy all around us. Our bodies are created with energy that connects with the entire energetic world. We are living in exciting times where technology has exploded and we have access to devices that can detect frequencies of an unlimited amount of individual items.
Did you know?…….
Everything has its own frequency. From the air, we breathe to the things the air contains.. to each part of our wonderful made bodies. Viruses, bacteria….dog bones…emotions..laughter..
Why is this so cool? Because we now have the capability of peeking into frequencies of the body and then measuring it with healthy frequencies. In this way… we can send the healthy frequency back to balance.
Imagine all the things happening right now. The earth turning, the whole solar system rotating… the whole galaxy moving in perfect harmony… all doing so in perfect dynamics. It is all energy.
When we learn to let things go, and work with the harmony of energy, we start becoming happy; in the sense, we function closer to how energy works.
Quantum Healing helps to open up all the pathways, not only within the body, but also within the world and universe and wherever there is energy.
Biofeedback and Bioresonance therapy is an innovative approach that uses electromagnetic waves (like a MRI).
· promotes the natural healing processes in pets
· can help eliminate the stressors in the body
· aims to help the body’s frequencies even out
Frequency and Healing:
Each organ, tissue, and gland in the body has its own unique frequency.
Biofeedback detects stress responses related to:
1. Bacteria, viruses, and parasites
2. Organ weaknesses
3. Environmental stressors
Bioresonance then alters these frequencies and “feeds” them back to the body, recalibrating them to their ‘healthy’ state. This will in turn improve the overall health of the mind, body and spirit so your pet can THRIVE!